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  SOL9 2.0 Tutorial

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  • 12 Nov 2009 Modified anchors for class trees to display the SOL9 C++ classes.
  • 10 Nov 2009 Modified to use SOL9 2.0 C++ class library.To support multiple charsets we changed samples to use
    TCHAR type, _T macro and functions in tchar.h file.
  • 17 Jul 2008 Modified to use SOL9 C++ class library and namespace SOL.
  • 04 Jan 2001:Added downloadable source programs.
  • 01 Jan 2001:Modified sample programs and added screen images for the dialog and commondialog programs.
  • 31 Dec 2000:Modified sample programs and added screen images for the commoncontrol programs.
  • 30 Dec 2000:Modified sample programs and added screen images for the programs.
  • 24 Dec 2000:Added a chapter for Socket.
  • 05 Aug 2000:Modified samples to use an explicit address reference notation of member functions for addCallback and addEventHandler methods.
  • 07 May 2000:Added a chapter for Thread and Process.
  • 20 Feb 2000:Modified samples to use a create method of View.

  • 1 Overview

  • 1.1 Introduction

  • 1.2 Class Hierarchy

  • 1.3 Hello World

  • 1.4 PushButton

  • 2 Controls

  • 2.1 PushButton

  • 2.2 IconButton

  • 2.3 RadioButton

  • 2.4 ToggleButton

  • 2.5 GroupBox

  • 2.6 Static

  • 2.7 Text

  • 2.8 TextField

  • 2.9 ScrolledText

  • 2.10 ComboBox

  • 2.11 ListBox

  • 2.12 ScrollBar

  • 3 Common Controls

  • 3.1 Animator

  • 3.2 HotKey

  • 3.3 IPAddressField

  • 3.4 ListView

  • 3.5 TreeView

  • 3.6 RichText

  • 3.7 ScrolledRichText

  • 3.8 StatusBar

  • 3.9 ToolBar

  • 3.10 Tab

  • 3.11 ExtendedComboBox

  • 4 Dialog

  • 4.1 PopupView

  • 4.2 DialogView

  • 4.3 ModalDialog

  • 4.4 AboutDialog

  • 4.5 ModelessDialog

  • 5 Common Dialog

  • 5.1 FileDialog

  • 5.2 ColorDialog

  • 5.3 FindDialog

  • 5.4 ReplaceDialog

  • 5.5 FontDialog

  • 5.6 PrintDialog

  • 5.7 PageSetupDialog

  • 6 GDI Object

  • 6.1 StockObject

  • 6.2 Pen

  • 6.3 Brush

  • 6.4 Font

  • 7 Thread and Process

  • 7.1 Thread

  • 7.2 Pipe

  • 7.3 Process

  • 8 Socket

  • 8.1 Client

  • 8.2 Server

    1 Overview

    1.1 Introduction
    (1)  Program Entry Point

    In SOL9, the program entry point is Main, not WinMain. The Main function is called automatically from WinMain function which resides in SOL9  library.
    void Main(int argc, TCHAR** argv)
    The Main function takes two arguments. The meaning of the arguments is same as main function of ordinal C/C++ programs. The first one argc represents the number of arguments in argv and the second one argv represents an array of strings passed to WinMain.

    (2)  Class Hierarchy Design

    The design policy of SOL9 is based on the single inheritance mechanism of C++. The root class of SOL9 class hierarchy is class Object. All other classes of SOL9 inherit the class Object.

    (3)  Class Application

    You shall create an instance of class Application to write a Windows application on SOL9. The constructor of the Application initializes the class variables in Application and loads some dynamic link libraries.The method run of Application starts a Windows event handling loop.


    #include <sol/Application.h>
    // Program Entry Point.
    void    Main(int argc, TCHAR** argv)
        const TCHAR* name = _T("HelloWorld");
        // Create an instance of Application.
        Application applet(name, argc, argv);
        // Create an instance of your own Window class
        // which inherits class ApplicationView.
        // Enter SOL++ event handling loop.

    (4) Namespace 'SOL'

     In SOL9, we have introduced C++ namespace 'SOL' to avoid collision of class names in Windows API.
    Please take care of using namespace 'SOL' when you define a class inheritting a SOL class.


    #include <sol/ApplicationView.h>
    // This is a MainView class which inherits SOL::ApplicationView:
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :publci ApplicationView {
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* caption, Args& args)
    	:ApplicationView(applet, caption, args) {
    // Program Entry Point.
    void    Main(int argc, TCHAR** argv)
        const TCHAR* name = _T("HelloWorld");
        // Create an instance of Application.
        Application applet(name, argc, argv);
        // Create an instance of your own Window class
        // which inherits class ApplicationView.
        Args args;
        MainView mainView(applet, _T("Demo"), args); 
        // Enter SOL++ event handling loop.

    (5)  Console Application

    You can create a console application by using ordinary main function on SOL9. See the following example of SOL::URLEncoder class.


    // URLEncoding.cpp
    //URLEncoder class is implemented on the following header file.
    //So, you can compile this file 'URLEncoding.cpp' without linking sol32.lib
    //in the following way on the Visual Studio command prompt:
    // c:\work>cl /I c:\usr\include URLEncoding.cpp
    #include <sol/URLEncoder.h>
    #include <sol/String.h>
    void _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[])
        const char* string = 
          "<h1>URLEncoder/URLDecoder test!</h1>\n"
        String str = string;    
        _tprintf(_T("Html=[%s]\n"), (const TCHAR*)str);
        // Create an object of URLEncoder class 
        URLEncoder encoder;
        String enc;
        encoder.encode(string, enc);
        _tprintf(_T("URLEncoded=[%s]\n"), (const TCHAR*)enc);

    1.2 Class Hierarchy

    We show some typical classes in SOL9 and basic ideas to handle a Windows events.

    (1) class Object

    Class hierarchy

    The Object is a root class of SOL9. All other classes of SOL9 are derived from the class Object.

    (2) class Application

    Class hierarchy

      +-- Application 
    The Application class represents a context of a Windows application program. The constructor of Application class initializes the class variables in the Application and lo and loads some dynamic link libraries which are required to run the application. In SOL9 application, you have to create an instance of this class.

    (3) class View

    Class hierarchy

      +-- Window
           +-- View 
    The class View is a practical base class of SOL9, which represents a basic data structure and functions of the windows, including a Windows event handling.

    Event Handler

    The class View of SOL9 has a list to add an event handler for a specified event such as WM_PAINT
    To handle a Windows event in SOL9, you can register an event handler function to an instance of the View or its subclasses by calling the following addEventHandler method of class View. The SOL9 framework will call automatically each event handler stored in the View instance, corresponding to those Windows events.
       addEventHandler(UINT message, Object* object, Handler method, void* data);
       message: A Windows message id defined windows.h file.  
       object : A pointer to a class Object having an event handler.
       method : A method belonging to a class Object or subclass.
       data   : A user data.

    Command/Notify Callback

    The class View of SOL9 has a list to add a callback function for Windows WM_COMMAND and WM_NOTIFY messages. To handle a Windows message or event in SOL9, you can register your own callback function to an instance of the View or its subclasses by calling the following addCallback method of class View. The SOL++ framework will call automatically each callback function stored in the View instance, corresponding to those Windows messages.
       addCallback(const TCHAR* name, Object* object, Callback method, void* data);
       name   : Callback name (XmNsomething) defined in StrDef.h file.  
       object : A pointer to a class Object having a callback function.
       method : A method belonging to a class Object or subclass.
       data   : A user data.

    (4) class ApplicationView

    Class hierarchy

    The class ApplicationView is a toplevel window of applications in SOL9. In general, you must define a sublcass which inherits the ApplicationView for your own Windows application. To create a toplevel window in SOL++, you have to call a constructor of the subclass.


    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    // Define a subclass of ApplicationView.
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        // Event handler for WM_LBUTTONDOWN.
        long leftButtonDown(Event& event) {
            // Do something here.
            return 0L;
        // Constructor
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* title, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, title, args)
            // Register an event handler for WM_LBUTTONDOWN to this class.
            addEventHandler(WM_LBUTTONDOWN, this,
                    (Handler)&MainView::leftButtonDown, null);

    (5) class DC, class PaintDC, class ClientDC

    Class hierarchy

    The class DC, PaintDC and ClientDC represent a device(or graphic) context. When you get a paint event WM_PAINT, you shall create an instance of class PaintDC, and call a method of DC to paint something.
    Note: Never forget to create an instance of class PaintDC on handling WM_PAINT event event if you have nothing to paint.


    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\PaintDC.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        // EventHandler for WM_PAINT.
        long  paint(Event& event) {
            PaintDC pdc(this);
            return 0L;
        // Constructor
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* title, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, title, args)
            // Register an event handler for WM_PAINT to this class.
            addEventHandler(WM_PAINT, this, (Handler)&MainView::paint, null);

    (6) class Button and subclasses

    Class hierarchy

    The class PushButton, IconButton, RadioButton, ToggleButton represent buttons to accept a command from a user.

    To create a window of those classes, you have to call a constructor or create method of those classes.
  • Call a constructor
  •     Args ar;
        // Call a constructor taking three arguments. 
        // This creates a window.
        PushButton* ok = new PushButton(parent, _T("OK"), ar);

  • Call a create method
  •     Args ar;
        // Call a constructor without arguments.
        // This does not create a window.
        PushButton ok;   
        // Call a create method to create a window.
        ok.create(parent, _T("OK"), ar);


    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\PushButton.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        PushButton* ok;
        // Callback function.
        // This is called automatically by clicking ok button. 
        void  accept(Action& action) {
            // Do something here.
        // Constructor
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* title, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, title, args)
            Args ar;
            // Create an instance of PushButton
            ar.set(XmNx, 10);
            ar.set(XmNy, 10);
            ok = new PushButton(this, _T("OK"), ar);
            // Register a callback function accept to the ok button.
            ok->addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, this,
                    (Callback)&MainView::accept, null);
            delete ok;

    1.3 Hello World

    (1) Handling an event

    As a first step of programming, we show the source code of HelloWorld program written on SOL9. This is a typical example of handling the WM_PAINT message in SOL9.


    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\PaintDC.h>
    namespace SOL {
    // Inherit ApplicationView which is a SOL++ TopLevelWindow class. 
    class HelloWorld :public ApplicationView {
        // EventHandler for WM_PAINT message!
        long paint(Event& event) {
            PaintDC pdc(this);
            TCHAR* text = _T("Hello World");
            pdc.textOut(10, 10, text, strlen(text));
            return 0L;
        // Constructor
        HelloWorld(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) 
            // Add an event handler paint to this class
            // to handle a WM_PAINT event. 
            addEventHandler(WM_PAINT, this, (Handler)&HelloWorld::paint, null); 
    // Program Entry Point.
    void    Main(int argc, TCHAR** argv)
        const TCHAR* name = _T("HelloWorld");
        // Create an instance of Application.
        Application applet(name, argc, argv);
        Args args;
        // Create an instance of HelloWorld.
        HelloWorld helloWorld(applet, name, args);
        // Realize or show the helloWorld.
        // Enter SOL++ event handling loop.

    1.4 PushButton

    (1) Handling a callback

    In SOL9, you can register a callback function(method) to each instance of PushButton by using a name of XmNactivateCallback. See \usr\sol\StrDef.h for a complete list of the names for callbacks. This is a typical example of handling an activation callback for the buttons.


    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\PushButton.h>
    namespace SOL {
    // Inherit ApplicationView which is a SOL++ TopLevelWindow class. 
    class ButtonSample :public ApplicationView {
        PushButton pushb;
        // Callback function to handle WM_COMMAND message.
        void  quit(Action& action) {
                // Call exit method of View to terminate this program. 
        // Constructor
        ButtonSample(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) 
            Args ar;
            ar.set(XmNx, 40);
            ar.set(XmNy, 20);
            // Create an instance of PushButton
            pushb.create(this, _T("Quit"), ar);
            // Register the method quit of this class to the pushb.
            // SOL9 frame work will call automatically the registered method
            // quit to the pushb whenever it is pushed! 
            pushb.addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, this, 
    			(Callback)&ButtonSample::quit, null); 
    // Program Entry Point.
    void    Main(int argc, TCHAR** argv)
        const TCHAR* name = _T("ButtonSample");
        // Create an instance of Application.
        Application applet(name, argc, argv);
        Args args;
        // Create an instance of HelloWorld.
        ButtonSample buttonSample(applet, name, args);
        // Realize or show the buttonSample.
        // Enter SOL++ event handling loop.

    2 Controls

    (1) Class hierachy

                     |    |
                     |    +--TextField
                     |    |
                     |    +--ScrolledText
    To create a window of those classes, you have to call a constructor or create method of those classes.
  • Call a constructor
  •     Args ar;
        // Call a constructor taking three arguments. 
        // This creates a window.
        PushButton* ok = new PushButton(parent, _T("OK"), ar);
        // Somewhere you have to delete the instance.
        delete ok;

  • Call a create method
  •     Args ar;
        // Call a constructor without arguments.
        // This does not create a window.
        PushButton ok;   
        // Call a create method to create a window.
        ok.create(parent, _T("OK"), ar);

    2.1 PushButton

    (1) Explanation

    Class PushButton represents a button control with a style BS_PUSHBUTTON of Windows.
  • This has a callback of XmNactivateCallback to handle a WM_COMMAND/BN_CLICK event.

  • (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\PushButton.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        PushButton pushb;
        // Callback function to handle WM_COMMAND message.
        void  activate(Action& action) {
                // Call exit method of View to terminate this program. 
               // Write here your code to do something when the pushb is pushed.
        // Constructor
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) 
            Args ar;
            // Create a window of PushButton
            pushb.create(this, _T("Quit"), ar);
            // Register the method quit of this class to the pushb.
            // SOL9 frame work will call automatically the registered method
            // activate to the pushb whenever it is pushed! 
            pushb.addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, this, 
    				(Callback)&MainView::activate, null); 

    2.2 IconButton

    (1) Explanation

    Class IconButton represents a button control with a style BS_ICON of Windows.
  • This has a callback of XmNactivateCallback to handle a WM_COMMAND event.

  • (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\IconButton.h>
    #include "resource.h"
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        IconButton iconButton;
        // Callback function to handle WM_COMMAND message.
        void  quit(Action& action) {
                // Call exit method of View to terminate this program. 
        // Constructor
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) 
            Args ar;
            ar.set(XmNx, 10);
            ar.set(XmNy, 10);
            ar.set(XmNwidth, 32);
            ar.set(XmNheight, 32);
            ar.set(XmNxImageSize, 32);
            ar.set(XmNyImageSize, 32);
            ar.set(XmNimageName, IDI_ICON1);
            // Create a window of IconButton
            iconButton.create(this, _T(""), ar);
            // Register the method quit of this class to the iconButton.
            // SOL9 frame work will call automatically the registered method
            // quit to the iconButton whenever it is pushed! 
            iconButton.addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, this, 
    			(Callback)&MainView::quit, null); 

    2.3 RadioButton

    (1) Explanation

    Class RadioButton represents a button control with a style BS_AUTORADIOBOX of Windows.
  • This has a callback of XmNactivateCallback to handle a WM_COMMAND/BN_CLICK event.

  • (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\RadioButton.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        RadioButton  radioButton;
        // Callback function to handle WM_COMMAND message.
        void  clicked(Action& action) {
                // Is radioButton checked? 
                int rc = radioButton.getCheck();
        // Constructor
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) 
            Args ar;
            ar.set(XmNx, 20);
            ar.set(XmNy, 20);
            // Create a window of RadioButton
            radioButton.create(this, _T("RadioButton"), ar);
            // Register the method quit of this class to the radioButton.
            // SOL9 frame work will call automatically the registered method
            // clicked to the radioButton whenever it is pushed! 
            radioButton.addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, this, 
    				(Callback)&MainView::clicked, null); 

    2.4 ToggleButton

    (1) Explanation

    Class ToggleButton represents a button control with a style BS_AUTOCHECKBOX of Windows.
  • This has a callback of XmNactivateCallback to handle a WM_COMMAND/BN_CLICK event.

  • (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\ToggleButton.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        ToggleButton  toggleButton;
        // Callback function to handle WM_COMMAND message.
        void  clicked(Action& action) {
                // Is toggleButton checked? 
                int rc = toggleButton.getCheck();
        // Constructor
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) 
            Args ar;
            ar.set(XmNx, 20);
            ar.set(XmNy, 20);
            // Create a window of ToggleButton
            toggleButton.create(this, _T("Press"), ar);
            // Register the method quit of this class to the toggleButton.
            // SOL9 frame work will call automatically the registered method
            // clicked to the toggleButton whenever it is pushed! 
            toggleButton.addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, this, 
    				(Callback)&MainView::clicked, null); 

    2.5 GroupBox

    (1) Explanation

    Class GroupBox represents a button control with a style BS_GROUPBOX of Windows.
  • This has no callback.

  • (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\GroupBox.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        GroupBox groupBox;
        // Constructor
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) 
            Args ar;
            // Create a window of GroupBox
            groupBox.create(this, _T("Group"), ar);

    2.6 Static

    (1) Explanation

    Class Static represents a static control of Windows.
  • This has no callback.
  • (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\Static.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        Static label;
        // Constructor
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) 
            Args ar;
            ar.set(XmNx, 100);
            ar.set(XmNy, 10);
            // Create a window of Static
            label.create(this, _T("Hello world"), ar);

    2.7 Text

    (1) Explanation

    Class Text represents an edit control of Windows.
  • In practice, it is much better to use a subclass TextField for inputing a single line text, and a subclass ScrolledText for editing multiline text.
  • You can also use the following names to add callbacks.
  • Name Description
    XmNchangeCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_CHANGE event.
    XmNerrorSpaceCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_ERRSPACE event.
    XmNhorizScrollCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_HSCROLL event.
    XmNkillFocusCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_KILLFOCUS event.
    XmNmaxTextCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_MAXTEXT event.
    XmNsetFocusCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_SETFOCUS event.
    XmNupdateCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_UPDATE event.
    XmNvertScrollCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_VSCROLL event.

    (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\Text.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        Text text;
        // Callback function to handle WM_COMMAND/EN_MAXTEXT event.
        void  maxText(Action& action) {
                // Do something. 
        // Constructor
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) 
            Args ar;
            ar.set(XmNstyle, (ulong)ES_MULTILINE);
            // Create a window of Text.
            text.create(this, _T("Hello\r\nWorld"), ar);
            // Register the method maxText of this class to the text.
            // SOL9 frame work will call automatically the registered method
            // 'maxText' to the text whenever a WM_COMMAND/EN_MAXTEXT event occurs! 
            text.addCallback(XmNmaxTextCallback, this, 
    				(Callback)&MainView::maxText, null); 

    2.8 TextField

    (1) Explanation

    Class TextField represents an edit control for single-line-editing of Windows.

  • You can use the callback names of the class Text, because that this is a sublcass of Text.

  • (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\TextField.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        TextField textField;
        // Constructor
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) 
            Args ar;
            ar.set(XmNx, 10);
            ar.set(XmNy, 20);
            ar.set(XmNwidth, 120);
            ar.set(XmNheight, 30);
            // Create a window of TextField
            textField.create(this, _T("Your name?"), ar);

    2.9 ScrolledText

    (1) Explanation

    Class ScrolledText represents an edit control with scrollbars for multi-line-editing of Windows.

    You can use the callback names of the class Text, because this is a sublcass of Text.

    (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\ScrolledText.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        ScrolledText sctext;
        // Constructor
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) 
            Args ar;
            // Create a window of ScrolledText
            sctext.create(this, _T(""), ar);
            // Add the sctext to a default layout-manager.
            // Call the method load of class Text to read a 
            //content of the file "sample.txt".

    2.10 ComboBox

    (1) Explanation

    Class ComboBox represents a combobox control of Windows.
  • You can also use the following names to add callbacks.
  • Name Description
    XmNcloseUpCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_CLOSEUP event.
    XmNdefaultActionCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_DBLCLK event.
    XmNdropDownCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_DROPDOWN event.
    XmNeditChangeCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_EDITCHANGE event.
    XmNeditUpdateCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_EDITUPDATE event.
    XmNerrorSpaceCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_ERRSPACE event.
    XmNkillFocusCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_KILLFOCUS event.
    XmNselChangeCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_SELCHANGE event.
    XmNselEndCancelCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_SELENDCANCEL event.
    XmNselEndOkCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_SELENDOK event.
    XmNsetFocusCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_SETFOCUS event.

    (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\ComboBox.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        ComboBox    drives;
        // Callback function to handle WM_COMMAND/CBN_SELCHANGE message.
        void  selChanged(Action& action) {
                // Do something
        // Build a list of logical dirves into the drives.
        void buildDriveList()
            TCHAR path[10];
            DWORD d = ::GetLogicalDrives();
            for(int i = 0; i<26; i++) {
                if(d & 1) {
                    _stprintf(path, _T("%c:"), 'A'+i);
                d = d >> 1;
        // Constructor
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) 
            Args ar;
            ar.set(XmNwidth, 120);
            ar.set(XmNstyle, (ulong)CBS_DROPDOWNLIST);
            // Create a window of ComboBox
            drives.create(this, _T(""), ar);
            // Register the method selChanged of this class to the drives.
            drives.addCallback(XmNselChangeCallback, this, 
                                (Callback)&MainView::selChanged, null); 

    2.11 ListBox

    (1) Explanation

    Class ListBox represents a scrollbar control of Windows.
  • You can also use the following names to add callbacks.
  • Name Description
    XmNdefaultActionCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/LBN_DBLCLK event.
    XmNerrorSpaceCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/LBN_ERRSPACE event.
    XmNkillFocusCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/LBN_KILLFOCUS event.
    XmNselCancelCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/LBN_SELCANCEL event.
    XmNselChangeCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/LBN_SELCHANGE event.
    XmNsetFocusCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/LBN_SETFOCUS event.

    (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\ListBox.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        ListBox listbox;
        // Callback function to handle WM_COMMAND message.
        void  doubleClicked(Action& action) {
            // Run the executable program.
            TCHAR buff[128];
            ::WinExec(buff, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
        // Constructor
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) 
            Args ar;
            // Create a window of PushButton
            listbox.create(this, _T(""), ar);
            TCHAR buffer[128];
            ::GetWindowsDirectory(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
            strcat(buffer, _T("\\*.EXE"));
            // List up executable files of Windows. 
            // Register the method quit of this class to the pushb.
            // SOL9 framework will call automatically the registered method
            // doubleClicked to the listbox whenever an item is double-clicked! 
            listbox.addCallback(XmNdefaultActionCallback, this, 
                                 (Callback)&MainView::doubleClicked, null); 

    2.12 ScrollBar

    (1) Explanation

    Class ScrollBar represents a scrollbar control of Windows.
  • To create an instance of this class, you have to call a constructor ScrollBar by setting a style and some parameters to the class Args.
  • You can use the following names to set values to the Args.
  • Name Description
    XmNstyle integer Direction(ScrollBar::Horizontal/ScrollBar::Vertical)
    XmNminimum integer Minimum value of scrolling.
    XmNmaximum integer Maximum value of scrolling.
    XmNpageIncrement integer Increment value of PAGE UP/DOWN event.
    XmNlineIncrement integer Increment value of LINE UP/DOWN event.
  • You can also use the following names to add callbacks.
  • Name Description
    XmNhorizScrollCallback Callback for WM_HSCROLL event.
    XmNvertScrollCallback Callback for WM_VSCROLL event.

    (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\ScrollBar.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        ScrollBar scrollbar;
        // Callback function to handle Windows WM_HSCROLL event. 
        void  horizScroll(Action& action) {
              // Do something when the scrollbar scrolled.
              // Get a thumb position by calling a getPos method. 
              int pos = scrollbar.getPos(); 
        // Constructor
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args)
            Args ar;
            ar.set(XmNx, 10);
            ar.set(XmNy, 10);
            ar.set(XmNwidth,  200);
            ar.set(XmNheight, 20);
            ar.set(XmNminimum,   0);
            ar.set(XmNmaximum, 255);
            ar.set(XmNstyle,   ScrollBar::HORIZONTAL);
            // Create a window of ScrollBar
            scrollbar.create(this, _T(""), ar);
            // Register the method horizScroll of this class 
            //to the scrollbar.
            // SOL9 frame work will call automatically the registered method
            // horizScroll to the scrollbar whenever it is manipulated! 
            scrollbar.addCallback(XmNhorizScrollCallback, this, 
                                     (Callback)&MainView::horizScroll, null); 

    3 CommonControls

    (1) Class hierachy

                     |    |
                     |    +--RichText
                     |         |
                     |         +--ScrolledRichText

    In these common control classes, you can use the following common names to add callbacks.
    Name Description
    XmNerrorSpaceCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/NM_OUTOFMEMORY event.
    XmNclickCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/NM_CLICK event.
    XmNdoubleClickCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/NM_DBLCLK event.
    XmNreturnCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/NM_RETURN event.
    XmNrightClickCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/NM_RCLICK event.
    XmNrightDoubleClickCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/NM_RDBLCLK event.
    XmNsetFocusCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/NM_SETFOCUS event.
    XmNkillFocusCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/NM_KILLFOCUS event.

    3.1 Animator

    (1) Explanation

    Class Animator represents an animate control of Windows.
  • This has no callback.

  • (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\Animator.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        Animator animator;
        // Constructor
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) 
            Args ar;
            // Create a window of Animator
            animator.create(this, NULL, ar);
            animator.play(0, -1, -1);

    3.2 HotKey

    (1) Explanation

    Class HotKey represents a hotkey control of Windows.
  • This has no callback.

  • (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\HotKey.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        HotKey  hotkey;
        WORD    keyComb;
        // Event handler for WM_SYSCOMMAND event.
        // If this event is caused by the keyComb combination, iconify this window.
        long    sysCommand(Event& event) {
            if(event.getWParam() == SC_HOTKEY) {
                return NULL;
            else {
                return defaultProc(event);
        // Constructor
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) 
            Args ar;   
            // Create a window of HotKey
            ar.set(XmNwidth,  100);
            ar.set(XmNheight, 30);
            ar.set(XmNexStyle, (ulong)WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE);
            hotkey.create(this, _T(""), ar);
            hotkey.setHotKey('X', HOTKEYF_CONTROL);
            keyComb =   MAKEWORD('X', HOTKEYF_CONTROL);
            // Set the key combination keyComb to this Window.   
            this -> send(WM_SETHOTKEY, keyComb, 0);
            // Register an event handler for WM_SYSCOMMAND.
            addEventHandler(WM_SYSCOMMAND, this, (Handler)&MainView::sysCommand, NULL);

    3.3 IPAddressField

    (1) Explanation

    Class IPAddressField represents an ipaddress control of Windows.
  • This has no callback.

  • (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\IPAddressField.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        IPAddressField addressField;
        // Constructor
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) 
            Args ar;   
            // Create a window of IPAddressField.
            ar.set(XmNx, 10);
            ar.set(XmNy, 10);
            ar.set(XmNwidth, 200);
            ar.set(XmNheight, 30);
            addressField.create(this, NULL, ar);
            // Set an IP address.
            addressField.setAddress(255, 255, 255, 0);

    3.4 ListView

    (1) Explanation

    Class ListView represents a listview control of Windows.
  • You can also use the following names to add callbacks.
  • Name Description
    XmNitemChangingCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/LVN_ITEMCHANGING event.
    XmNitemChangedCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/LVN_ITEMCHANGED event.
    XmNinsertItemCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/LVN_INSERTITEM event.
    XmNdeleteItemCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/LVN_DELETEITEM event.
    XmNdeleteAllItemsCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/LVN_DELETEALLITEMS event.
    XmNbeginLabelEditCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/LVN_BEGINLABELEDIT event.
    XmNenableEditCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/LVN_ENDLABELEDIT event.
    XmNcolumnClickCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/LVN_COLUMNCLICK event.
    XmNbeginDragCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/LVN_BEGINDRAG event.
    XmNbeginRDragCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/LVN_BEGINRDRAG event.
    XmNgetDispInfoCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/LVN_GETDISPINFO event.
    XmNsetDispInfoCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/LVN_SETDISPINFO event.
    XmNkeyDownCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/LVN_KEYDOWN event.

    (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\ListView.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        ListView listview;
        // Callback to handle WM_NOTIFY/NM_DBLCLK event.
        void doubleClicked(Action& action) {
            // Do something.
        // Callback to handle WM_NOTIFY/LVN_ITEMCHANGED event.
        void itemChanged(Action& action) {
            Event& event = action.getEvent();
            NM_LISTVIEW* nm = (NM_LISTVIEW*)event.getLParam();
            // Get an index of the changed item.
            int changedItem = nm->iItem;
        // Constructor
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) 
            Args ar;   
            // Create a window of ListView.
            ar.set(XmNexStyle, (ulong)WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE);
            ar.set(XmNstyle, (ulong)LVS_REPORT);
            listview.create(this, NULL, ar);
            // Set a column.
            static TCHAR* column[] = {_T("No"), _T("OS"),       _T("Year")};
            listview.setColumn(column, 3);
            // Set data.
            static TCHAR* lines1[] = {_T("1"), _T("Windows95"), _T("1995")};
            static TCHAR* lines2[] = {_T("2"), _T("Windows98"), _T("1998")};
            static TCHAR* lines3[] = {_T("3"), _T("Windows2000"), _T("2000")};
            listview.insertLine(0, lines1, 3);
            listview.insertLine(1, lines2, 3);
            listview.insertLine(2, lines3, 3);
            // Add doubleClick and itemChanged callbacks of this class 
            // to the listview.
            listview.addCallback(XmNdoubleClickCallback, this,
                            (Callback)&MainView::doubleClicked, null);
            listview.addCallback(XmNitemChangedCallback, this,
                            (Callback)&MainView::itemChanged, null);

    3.5 TreeView

    (1) Explanation

    Class TreeView represents a treeview control of Windows.
  • You can also use the following names to add callbacks.
  • Name Description
    XmNselChangingCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TVN_SELCHANGING event.
    XmNselChangedCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TVN_SELCHANGED event.
    XmNgetDispInfoCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TVN_GETDISPINFO event.
    XmNsetDispInfoCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TVN_SETDISPINFO event.
    XmNitemExpandingCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TVN_ITEMEXPANDING event.
    XmNitemExpandedCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TVN_ITEMEXPANDED event.
    XmNbeginDragCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TVN_BEGINDRAG event.
    XmNbeginRDragCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TVN_BEGINRDRAG event.
    XmNdeleteItemCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TVN_DELETEITEM event.
    XmNbeginLabelEditCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TVN_BEGINLABELEDIT event.
    XmNendLabelEditCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TVN_ENDLABELEDIT event.
    XmNkeyDownCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TVN_KEYDOWN event.

    (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\TreeView.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        TreeView treeview;
        // Callback to handle WM_NOTIFY/TVN_BEGINLABELEDIT event.
        void beginLabelEdit(Action& action) {
            Event& event = action.getEvent();
            TV_DISPINFO* dispInfo = (TV_DISPINFO*)event.getLParam();
            TV_ITEM item = dispInfo-> item;
            // Do something.
            action.setResult(0); // Return 0 to enable a label-edit.    
        // Callback to handle WM_NOTIFY/TVN_ENDLABELEDIT event.
        void endLabelEdit(Action& action) {
            Event& event = action.getEvent();
            TV_DISPINFO* dispInfo = (TV_DISPINFO*)event.getLParam();
            TV_ITEM item = dispInfo-> item;
            if(item.pszText) {
                // Set a mask TFIF_TEXT to set the text.
                item.mask = TVIF_TEXT;
        // Constructor
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) 
            Args ar;   
            // Create an instance of TreeView.
            ar.set(XmNexStyle, (ulong)WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE);
            treeview.create(this, _T(""), ar);
            // Add items.
            HTREEITEM root = treeview.addItem(NULL, TVI_ROOT, _T("Object"));
            HTREEITEM window = treeview.addItem(root,TVI_FIRST, _T("Window"));
            treeview.addItem(window,TVI_FIRST, _T("View"));
            // Add beginLabelEdit and endLabelEdit callbacks of this class to the treeview.
            treeview.addCallback(XmNbeginLabelEditCallback, this,
                            (Callback)&MainView::beginLabelEdit, null);
            treeview.addCallback(XmNendLabelEditCallback, this,
                            (Callback)&MainView::endLabelEdit, null);

    3.6 RichText

    (1) Explanation

    Class RichText represents a richtext control of Windows.
  • You can also use the following names to add callbacks.
  • Name Description
    XmNchangeCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_CHANGE event.
    XmNerrorSpaceCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_ERRSPACE event.
    XmNhorizScrollCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_HSCROLL event.
    XmNkillFocusCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_KILLFOCUS event.
    XmNmaxTextCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_MAXTEXT event.
    XmNsetFocusCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_SETFOCUS event.
    XmNupdateCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_UPDATE event.
    XmNvertScrollCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_VSCROLL event.
    XmNcorrectTextCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/EN_CORRECTTEXT event.
    XmNdropFilesCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/EN_DROPFILES event.
    XmNmsgFilterCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/EN_MSGFILTER event.
    XmNprotectedCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/EN_PROTECTED event.
    XmNrequestResizeCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/EN_REQUESTRESIZE event.
    XmNstopNoUndoCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/EN_STOPNOUNDO event.
    XmNselChangeCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/EN_SELCHANGE event.

    (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\Font.h>
    #include <sol\ClientDC.h>
    #include <sol\RichText.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        int        textHeight;
        Font       font;
        RichText   richText;
         // Override size method of Composite class to layout the richText.
        long        size(Event& event) {
            int w, h;
            event.getSize(w, h);
            richText.reshape(0, 0, w, textHeight+4);         
            return 0L;
        // Constructor
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) 
            Args ar;   
            ar.set(XmNheight, (-12));
            //Create an instance of Font.
            ClientDC dc(this);
            HFONT prevFont = (HFONT)dc.select(&font);
            textHeight = dc.getTextHeight();
            // Create a window of RichText.
            richText.create(this, _T(""),   ar);
            // Set the font to the richText.
            // Set a string to the richText.
            richText.setText(_T("Input your name here."));

    3.7 ScrolledRichText

    (1) Explanation

    Class ScrolledRichText represents a richtext control with vertial and horizontal scrollbars of Windows.
  • You can use the callback names of the class RichText, because this is a sublcass of RichText.
  • (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\ScrolledRichText.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        ScrolledRichText   richText;
        // Constructor
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) 
            Args ar;
            // Create a window of ScrolledRichText.
            richText.create(this, _T(""),   ar);
            // Read a file into the richText in RTF format.
            richText.streamIn(_T("sample.rtf"), SF_RTF);
            // Write the content of the richText into a file in TEXT format.
            richText.streamOut(_T("sampe.txt"), SF_TEXT);

    3.8 StatusBar

    (1) Explanation

    Class StatusBar represents a statusbar control of Windows.
    There are two ways to add an instance of StatusBar to ApplicationView or its subclass.
  • Specify an attribute of name XmNdefaultStatusBar to be True creating an instance of ApplicationView or its subclass.
    void Main(int argc, TCHAR** argv)
        const TCHAR* name = _T("Sample");
        Application applet(name, argc, argv);
        Args args;
        arg.set(XmNdefaultStatusBar, True);
        ApplicationView appView(applet, name, args);
  • Create an instance of StatusBar in ApplicationView or its subclass and call setStatusBar method of ApplicationView. See the following example.
  • StatusBar class has no own specific callback. You can use the common callback names listed in 3 Common Controls section.
  • (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        int          sizeArray[3];
        StatusBar*   statusbar;
        // Override size method of Composite class to fix the size of 
        // each part of the statusbar.
        long    size(Event& event) {
            LPARAM s = event.getLParam();
            // Set the size of parts of the statusbar.
            sizeArray[0] = LOWORD(s)/3;
            sizeArray[1] = LOWORD(s)*2/3;
            sizeArray[2] = -1;
            statusbar->setParts(3, sizeArray);
            return 0L;      
        // Constructor
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) 
            Args ar;
            // Create an instance of StatusBar.
            statusbar = new StatusBar(this, _T("Hello"), ar);
            // Set the statusbar to this Window.
            // You never delete the statusbar after calling setStatusBar method.
            statusbar -> setParts(3, sizeArray);
            statusbar -> setText(0,  0, _T("Normal"));
            statusbar -> setText(1, SBT_POPOUT,    _T"(Popout"));
            statusbar -> setText(2, SBT_NOBORDERS, _T("Noborder"));
        ~MainView() {
           // Never delete the statusbar, because it will be deleted automatically
           // in the destructor of ApplicationView.

    3.9 ToolBar

    (1) Explanation

    Class ToolBar represents a toolbar control of Windows.
    There are two ways to add an instance of ToolBar to ApplicationView or its subclass.
  • Specify an attribute of name XmNdefaultToolBar to be True creating an instance of ApplicationView or its subclass.
    void Main(int argc, TCHAR** argv)
        const TCHAR* name = _T("Sample");
        Application applet(name, argc, argv);
        Args args;
        args.set(XmNdefaultToolBar, True);
        // The attribute of name XmNtoolBarBitmapID takes a value 
        // IDB_STD_SMALL_COLOR,IDB_STD_LARGE_COLOR or a handle for bitmap.
        args.set(XmNtoolBarBitmapID, IDB_STD_SMALL_COLOR);
        ApplicationView appView(applet, name, args);
  • Create an instance of ToolBar in ApplicationView or its subclass and call setToolBar method of ApplicationView. See the following example.
  • You can also use the following names to add callbacks.
  • Name Description
    XmNgetButtonInfoCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TBN_GETBUTTONINFO event.
    XmNbeginDragCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TBN_BEGINDRAG event.
    XmNendDragCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TBN_ENDDRAG event.
    XmNbeginAdjustCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TBN_BEGINADJUST event.
    XmNendAdjustCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TBN_ENDADJUST event.
    XmNresetCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TBN_RESET event.
    XmNqueryInsertCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TBN_QUERYINSERT event.
    XmNqueryDeleteCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TBN_QUERYDELETE event.
    XmNtoolbarChangeCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TBN_TOOLBARCHANGE event.
    XmNcustHelpCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TBN_CUSTHELP event.

    (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\ToolBar.h>
    #include <sol\ScrolledRichText.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        ScrolledRichText richText;
        ToolBar*         toolbar;
        // Override size method of Composite class to layout the richText.
        long    size(Event& event) {
            RECT r;
            toolbar -> getWindowRect(&r);
            DWORD s = event.getLParam();
            richText.reshape(0, r.bottom-r.top, LOWORD(s),  HIWORD(s)-(r.bottom-r.top));
            return 0L;
        // Constructor
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) 
            Args ar;
            richText.create(this, _T(""), ar);
            // Create an instance of ToolBar.
            toolbar = new ToolBar(this, _T(""), ar);
            // Set the toolbar to this Window.
            // You never delete the toolbar after calling setToolBar method.
        ~MainView() {
           // Never delete the toolbar, because it will be deleted automatically
           // in the destructor of ApplicationView.

    3.10 Tab

    (1) Explanation

    Class Tab represents a tab control of Windows.
  • You can also use the following names to add callbacks.
  • Name Description
    XmNkeyDownCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TCN_KEYDOWN event.
    XmNselChangeCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TCN_SELCHANGE event.
    XmNselChangingCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TCN_SELCHANGING event.

    (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\Tab.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        Tab     tab;
        // Callback to handle WM_NOTIFY/TCN_SELCHANGE event.
        void   select(Action& action) {
            int indx = tab.getCurFocus();
            // Do something.
        // Constructor
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) 
            Args ar;
            // Create a window of ToolBar.
            tab.create(this, _T(""), ar);
            tab.setItemSize(50, 20);
            static TCHAR* tabLabels[] = {_T("One"), _T("Two"), _T("Three")};
            // Add a label for each item.    
            for(int i = 0; i < XtNumber(tabLabels); i++) {
            // Register select callback of this class to the tab.
            tab.addCallback(XmNselChangeCallback, this, 
    			(Callback)&MainView::select, NULL);

    3.11 ExtendedComboBox

    (1) Explanation

    Class ExtendedComboBox represents a comboboxex control of Windows.
  • You can use the following names to add callbacks.
  • Name Description
    XmNcloseUpCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_CLOSEUP event.
    XmNdefaultActionCallbackCallback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_DBLCLK event.
    XmNdropDownCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_DROPDOWN event.
    XmNeditChangeCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_EDITCHANGE event.
    XmNeditUpdateCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_EDITUPDATE event.
    XmNerrorSpaceCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_ERRSPACE event.
    XmNkillFocusCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_KILLFOCUS event.
    XmNselChangeCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_SELCHANGE event.
    XmNselEndCancelCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_SELENDCANCEL event.
    XmNselEndOkCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_SELENDOK event.
    XmNsetFocusCallback Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_SETFOCUS event.
    XmNbeginEditCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/CBEN_BEGINEDIT event.
    XmNdeleteItemCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/CBEN_DELETEITEM event.
    XmNdragBeginCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/CBEN_DRAGBEGIN event.
    XmNendEditCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/CBEN_ENDEDIT event.
    XmNgetDispInfoCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/CBEN_GETDISPINFO event.
    XmNinsertItemCallback Callback for WM_NOTIFY/CBEN_INSERTITEM event.

    (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\ExtendedComboBox.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        ExtendedComboBox   comboBox;
        // Callback to handle WM_COMMAND/CBN_SELCHANGE event.
        void   selected(Action& action) {
            int indx = comboBox.getCurSel();
            // Do something.
        // Constructor
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) 
            Args ar;
            // Create a window of ToolBar.
            ar.set(XmNstyle, (ulong)CBS_DROPDOWNLIST);
            ar.set(XmNheight, 100);
            comboBox.create(this, _T(""), ar);
            // Register selected callback of this class to the comboBox.     
            comboBox.addCallback(XmNselChangeCallback, this, (Callback)selected, null);
            COMBOBOXEXITEM item;
            memset(&item, 0, sizeof(item));
            item.mask= CBEIF_TEXT|CBEIF_INDENT;
            static TCHAR* items[] = {_T("One"), _T("Two"), _T("Three")};
            // Add items to the comboBox.    
            for(int i = 0; i < XtNumber(items); i++) {
                item.pszText = items[i];
                item.cchTextMax = strlen(items[i]);
                item.iItem      = i;
                item.iIndent    = i;

    4 Dialog

    (1) Class hierachy

                          |    |
                          |    +--AboutDialog

    4.1 PopupView

    (1) Explanation

    Class PopupView represents a window with a style WS_POPUP.
  • This class provides an empty popup window. In real usage, you define a your own subclass which inherits this class, and create some controls in it to display messages or to accept a command.
  • To show this window, call popup method or other similar methods( popupAsItIs or popupAt) directly or register those methods to a control as its callback.

  • Method Description
    popup Pop up a window in the center position of its parent window.
    popupAt Pop up a window in the center of screeen.
    popupAsItIs Pop up a window in its own position.

    (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\BorderLayout.h>
    #include <sol\PushButton.h>
    #include <sol\PopupView.h>
    #include <sol\Static.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class PopupMessage :public PopupView {
        Static       message;
        PushButton   ok;
        BorderLayout layout;
        PopupMessage() { }
        Boolean create(View* parent, const TCHAR* title, Args& args)
            PopupView::create(parent, title, args);
            Args ar;
            message.create(this, _T(""), ar);
            add(message, BorderLayout::CENTER);
            ok.create(this, _T("Popdown"), ar);
            add(ok, BorderLayout::SOUTH);
            // Call resize method to layout imediately.
            // Register callback to ok button to pop down this window.
            ok.addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, this,
                            (Callback)&PopupMessage::popdown, null);
            return True;
        void    setMessage(const TCHAR* text) {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        PushButton    popupb;
        PopupMessage  message;
        // Constructor
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) 
            Args ar;
            // Create an instance of ToolBar.
            popupb.create(this, _T("Popup a PopupMessage"), ar);
            ar.set(XmNwidth,  300);
            ar.set(XmNheight, 100);
            ar.set(XmNstyle, (ulong)WS_THICKFRAME|WS_MINIMIZEBOX|WS_SYSMENU);
            message.create(this, _T("PopupMessage"), ar);
            message.setMessage("This is a PopupView"));
            // Register popup callback of PopupView class to the popupb.
            popupb.addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, &message, 
                    (Callback)&PopupView::popup, NULL);

    4.2 DialogView

    (1) Explanation

    Class DialogView represents a window with a style of WS_POPUP and an extended style WS_EX_MODALFRAME.
  • This class provides an empty popup window of modal dialogframe. In real usage, you define a your own subclass which inherits this class, and create some controls in it to display messages or to accept a command.

    (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\BorderLayout.h>
    #include <sol\ScrolledText.h>
    #include <sol\PushButton.h>
    #include <sol\DialogView.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class MessageDialog :public DialogView {
        BorderLayout layout;
        Text         message;
        PushButton   ok;
        MessageDialog(View* parent, const TCHAR* title, Args& args)
            :DialogView(parent, title, args) 
            Args ar;
            ar.set(XmNstyle, (ulong)ES_MULTILINE);
            message.create(this, _T(""), ar);
            add(message, BorderLayout::CENTER);
            ok.create(this, _T("Popdown"), ar);
            add(ok, BorderLayout::SOUTH);
            //Register callback to ok button to pop down this window.
            ok.addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, this, 
    			(Callback)&MessageDialog::popdown, null);
        void setMessage(const TCHAR* text) {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        PushButton    popupb;
        MessageDialog  message;
        // Constructor
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) 
            Args ar;
            popupb.create(this, _T("Popup a MessageDialog"), ar);
            ar.set(XmNx, 100);
            ar.set(XmNy, 100);
            ar.set(XmNwidth,  300);
            ar.set(XmNheight, 200);
            message.create(this, _T("MessageDialog"), ar);
            message.setMessage(_T("Hello.\r\nThis is a DialogView"));
            // Register popup callback of PopupView class to the popupb.
            popupb.addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, &message, 
                (Callback)&PopupView::popupAsItIs, NULL);

    4.3 ModalDialog

    (1) Explanation

    Class ModalDialog represents a modal dialog window with a style of WS_POPUP.
  • This class provides an empty popup window of modal dialogframe. In real usage, you define a your own subclass which inherits this class, and create some controls in it to display messages or to accept a command from a user.
  • To create an instance of this class, you shall specify a template name of dialog in Windows resource file.
  • In this class, you can use the following names to set parameters into Args for the constructor.
  • Name Description
    XmNcentering Flag that the dialog is to be centered or not on screen.
    XmNfocusId Specify a control id to get a focus when the dialog is to be visible.
    XmNtemplateName Specify template name of dialog.
  • In many cases, you have to override initDialog method in your subclass when you create a dialog from Windows resource specified by XmNtemplateName.
  • To show or realize this dialog, call popup method directly or register the method to a control as its callback.

  • (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\ModalDialog.h>
    #include <sol\PushButton.h>
    #include <sol\TextField.h>
    #include "resource.h"
    namespace SOL {
    //Define a subclass which inherits ModalDialog.
    class FileNameDialog :public ModalDialog {
        PushButton* ok;
        TextField*  name;
        void    doclose(Action& action) {
            // Do something here when ok is clicked.
        //Override initDialog method of ModalDialog.
        long    initDialog(Event& event) {
            delete ok;
            delete name;
            //Create instances from dialog template.
            ok   = new PushButton(this, getItem(IDOK));
            name = new TextField(this, getItem(IDC_EDIT));
            //Register doclose callback to the ok button.
            ok -> addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, this, 
    			(Callback)&FileNameDialog::doclose, null);
        FileNameDialog(View* parent, const TCHAR* title, Args& args)
            :ModalDialog(parent, title, args.set(XmNtemplateName, _T("FileName"))
            ok   = null;
            name = null;
        ~FileNameDialog() {
            delete ok;
            delete name;
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        PushButton      popupb;
        FileNameDialog*  dialog;
        // Constructor
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) 
            Args ar;
            popupb.create(this, _T("Popup a ModalDialog"), ar);
            dialog = new FileNameDialog(this, _T("Dialog"), ar);
            // Register popup callback of PopupView class to the popupb.
            popupb.addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, dialog, 
                        (Callback)&PopupView::popup, NULL);
        ~MainView() { delete dialog; }

    4.4 AboutDialog

    (1) Explanation

    Class AboutDialog represents a modal dialog window with a style of WS_POPUP.
  • This class provides an empty popup window of modal dialogframe. In real usage, you define a your own subclass which inherits this class, and create some controls in it to display messages or to accept a command from a user.
  • In this class, you can use the resource inherited from ModalDialog classs.
  • In the constructor of this class, a default callbacks of name XmNactivateCallback are registered for controls having IDOK and IDCANCEL to popdown the AboutDialog.
    AboutDialog::AboutDialog(View* parent, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
        :ModalDialog(parent, name, args.set(XmNfocusId, (ulong)IDOK)) 
        addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, IDCANCEL, this,
                (Callback)&AboutDialog::popdown, NULL);
        addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, IDOK, this,
                (Callback)&AboutDialog::popdown, NULL);
  • To create an instance of AboutDialog, you simply specify a template name in Windows resource file if the template contains a PushButton of IDOK or IDCANCEL.

    (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\AboutDialog.h>
    #include <sol\PushButton.h>
    #include "resource.h"
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        AboutDialog*  dialog;
        // Constructor
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) 
            Args ar;
            ar.set(XmNtemplateName, _T("About"));
            dialog = new AboutDialog(this, _T("Dialog"), ar);
            // Register popup callback of AboutDialog class to a menu of ID_ABOUT.
            addCallback(XmNmenuCallback, ID_ABOUT, dialog, 
                        (Callback)&AboutDialog::popup, NULL);
        ~MainView() { delete dialog; }

    4.5 ModelessDialog

    (1) Explanation

    Class ModelessDialog represents a modeless dialog window with a style of WS_POPUP.
  • This class provides an empty popup window of dialogframe. In real usage, you define a your own subclass which inherits this class, and create some controls in it to display messages or to accept a command from a user.
  • When you create an instance of this class, you shall specify a template name of dialog in Windows resource file.
  • In this class, you can use the following names to set parameters into Args for the constructor.
  • Name Description
    XmNfocusId Specify a control id to get a focus when the dialog is to be visible.
    XmNtemplateName Specify template name of dialog.
  • To show or realize this dialog, call popup method directly or register the method to a control as its callback.

  • (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\ModelessDialog.h>
    #include <sol\PushButton.h>
    #include <sol\TextField.h>
    #include "resource.h"
    namespace SOL {
    //Define a subclass which inherits ModelessDialog.
    class FileNameDialog :public ModelessDialog {
        PushButton* ok;
        TextField*  name;
        void    doclose(Action& action) {
            // Do something here when ok is clicked.
        FileNameDialog(View* parent, const TCHAR* title, Args& args)
            :ModelessDialog(parent, title, args.set(XmNtemplateName, _T("FileName"))
            //Here, you can create instances from dialog template
            // in ModelessDialog. 
            ok   = new PushButton(this, getItem(IDOK));
            name = new TextField(this, getItem(IDC_EDIT));
            ok -> addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, this, 
    			(Callback)&FileNameDialog::doclose, null);
            //Register doclose callback to a button of IDOK.
            addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, IDOK, this, 
    			(Callback)&FileNameDialog::doclose, null);
        ~FileNameDialog() {
            delete ok;
            delete name;
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        PushButton      popupb;
        FileNameDialog  dialog;
        // Constructor
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) 
            Args ar;
            popupb.create(this, _T("Popup a ModelessDialog"), ar);
            dialog = new ModelessDialog(this, _T("Dialog"), ar);
            // Register popup callback of PopupView class to the popupb.
            popupb.addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, dialog, 
                        (Callback)&PopupView::popup, NULL);
        ~MainView() { delete dialog; }

    5 CommonDialog

    (1) Class hierachy


    5.1 FileDialog

    (1) Explanation

    Class FileDialog represents a common file-selecting dialog of Windows.
  • To popup this dialog as a modal dialog, call popup method of this class directly or register the method to controls as a callback.

  • You can use the following names to set parameters into Args to be passed the FileDialog constructor.
  • Name Description
    XmNextension Specify a string for an extension of a file name.
    XmNaccessMode Specify an open or save mode by FileDialog::OPEN or FileDialog::SAVE.
    XmNfileName Specify a file name.
    XmNdirectory Specify a directory name.
    XmNfilter Specify a filter pattern string.
    XmNfilterIndex Specify an index of filter pattern string.
    XmNdialogTitleSpecify a title string of FileDialog.

    (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\ScrolledText.h>
    #include <sol\FileDialog.h>
    #include "resource.h"
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        ScrolledText   sctext;
        FileDialog     filedlg;
        // Menu callback to popup the filedlg.
        void    open(Action& action) 
            // Call popup method to show the modal filedlg.
            if (action.getResult()) {
                // If any file selected, load it into ScrolledText.
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) 
            Args ar;
            sctext.create(this, _T(""), ar);
            // Specify FileDialog::OPEN mode for an accessMode.
            ar.set(XmNaccessMode, FileDialog::OPEN);
            filedlg.create(this, NULL, ar);
            addCallback(XmNmenuCallback, ID_OPEN, this, (Callback)&MainView::open, NULL);
            addCallback(XmNmenuCallback, ID_EXIT, this, (Callback)&MainView::exit, NULL);

    5.2 ColorDialog

    (1) Explanation

    Class ColorDialog represents a common color-choosing dialog of Windows.
  • To popup this dialog as a modal dialog, call popup method of this class directly or register the method to controls as a callback.

  • (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\ColorDialog.h>
    #include <sol\Brush.h>
    #include <sol\PaintDC.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        COLORREF        color;
        ColorDialog    colordlg;
        //Eventhandler for WM_PAINT.
        long    paint(Event& event) 
            PaintDC pdc(this);
            Brush brush(color);
            HGDIOBJ prev = pdc.select(&brush);
            pdc.ellipse(0, 0, 100, 50);
            return 0L;
        //Callback to popup the colordlg.
        void    setColor(Action& action)
            //Popup the colordlg.
            //Get a selected color from the colordlg. 
            color = colordlg.getRGBResult();
            //Cause WM_PAINT by invalidating this window.
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args)
            color = RGB(0, 0, 255);
            Args ar;
            colordlg.create(this, _T(""), ar);
            addCallback(XmNmenuCallback, ID_COLOR, this, (Callback)&MainView::setColor, null);
            addEventHandler(WM_PAINT, this, (Handler)&MainView::paint, null);

    5.3 FindDialog

    (1) Explanation

    Class FindDialog represents a common find dialog of Windows.
  • To popup this dialog as a modeless dialog, call find method of this class directly with a find string.

  • Name Description
    XmNflags Specify a search direction by FR_DOWN or FR_UP.
    XmNfindString Specify a string to find.

    (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\ScrolledText.h>
    #include <sol\FindDialog.h>
    #include "resource.h"
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        UINT            findMsg;
        ScrolledText   text;
        FindDialog     findDialog;
        //Eventhandler for the findMsg Event.
        long    search(Event& event) {
            DWORD flag = findDialog.getFlag();
            TCHAR* find = findDialog.getFindString();
            if(strlen(find) > 0 && (flag & FR_DOWN)) {
                //Do search find string in text.
            } else {
                // FR_UP case is not supported.
            return 0L;
        //Menu callback to popup the findDialog.
        void    find(Action& action) {
            if(!findDialog.isWindow()) {
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) 
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args)
            Args ar;
            ar.set(XmNnoHideSel, True);
            text.create(this, _T(""), ar);
            //Register a message of FINDMSSGSTRING.
            findMsg = RegisterWindowMessage(FINDMSGSTRING);
            ar.set(XmNflags, FR_DOWN);
            findDialog.create(this, _T(""), ar);
            //Register find callback to popup the findDialog.
            addCallback(XmNmenuCallback, ID_FIND, this, (Callback)&MainView::find, null);
            //Register search eventhandler to kick a real search operation.      
            addEventHandler(findMsg, this, (Handler)&MainView::search, null);

    5.4 ReplaceDialog

    (1) Explanation

    Class ReplaceDialog represents a common replace dialog of Windows.
  • To popup this dialog as a modeless dialog, call replace method of this class with a find string and a replace string.

  • Name Description
    XmNflags Specify a find and replace operation by FR_*.
    XmNfindString Specify a string to find.
    XmNreplaceString Specify a string to replace.

    (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\ScrolledText.h>
    #include <sol\ReplaceDialog.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        UINT            findMsg;
        ScrolledText   text;
        ReplaceDialog  replaceDialog;
        //Eventhandler for the findMsg Event.
        long    search(Event& event) {
            Args ar;
            TCHAR* find = null;
            TCHAR* replace = null;
            ulong  flags;
            ar.set(XmNflags, (void*)&flags);
            ar.set(XmNfindString, (TCHAR**)&find);
            ar.set(XmNreplaceString, (TCHAR**)&replace);
            if (flags & FR_DIALOGTERM) { 
                // cancel
                return 0L;
            if (flags & FR_FINDNEXT) { 
                // find next
            if (flags & FR_REPLACE) { 
                // replace and find next
            if (flags & FR_REPLACEALL) { 
                // replace all
            return 0L;
        //Menu callback to popup the replaceDialog.
        void    replace(Action& action) {
            if(!replaceDialog.isWindow()) {
                // Popup the replaceDialog
                replaceDialog.replace(_T(""), _T(""));
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) 
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args)
            Args ar;
            ar.set(XmNnoHideSel, True);
            text.create(this, _T(""), ar);
            //Register a message of FINDMSSGSTRING.
            findMsg = RegisterWindowMessage(FINDMSGSTRING);
            replaceDialog.create(this, _T(""), ar);
            //Register replace callback to popup the replaceDialog.
            addCallback(XmNmenuCallback, ID_REPLACE, this, (Callback)&MainView::replace, null);
            //Register search eventhandler to start a find-replace operation.      
            addEventHandler(findMsg, this, (Handler)&MainView::search, null);

    5.5 FontDialog

    (1) Explanation

    Class FontDialog represents a common font dialog of Windows.
  • To popup this dialog as a modal dialog, call popup method of this class.

  • Name Description
    XmNflags Specify a type or effect of font by CF_*.
    XmNtype Specify a type of font(default value is SCREEN_FONTTYPE).
    XmNminimum Specify a minimum size of font.
    XmNmaximum Specify a maximum size of font.

    (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\ScrolledText.h>
    #include <sol\FontDialog.h>
    #include <sol\Font.h>
    #include "resource.h"
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        ScrolledText  text;
        FontDialog    fontDialog;
        Font*         font;
        //Menu callback to popup the fontDialog and set a font to the text.
        void setFont(Action& action) {
            if (action.getResult()) {
                delete font;
                font = fontDialog.getFont();
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) 
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args)
            font = null;
            Args ar;
            ar.set(XmNnoHideSel, True);
            text.create(this, _T(""), ar);
            fontDialog.create(this, NULL, ar);
            //Register setFont callback to popup the fontDialog.
            addCallback(XmNmenuCallback, ID_SETFONT, this, (Callback)&MainView::setFont, null);
        ~MainView() {
            delete font;

    5.6 PrintDialog

    (1) Explanation

    Class PrintDialog represents a common print dialog of Windows.
  • To popup this dialog as a modal dialog, call popup method of this class.

  • Name Description
    XmNflags Specify a flag by PD_*(default value is PD_RETURNDC).
    XmNdc Specify a device context(used in getValues).

    (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\PrintDialog.h>
    #include "resource.h"
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        PrintDialog    printDialog;
        //Menu callback to popup the printDialog and print a text.
        void    print(Action& action)
            if (action.getResult()) {
                HDC hdc = printDialog.getDC();
                DOCINFO docInfo;
                memset(&docInfo, 0, sizeof(DOCINFO));
                docInfo.cbSize = sizeof(DOCINFO);
                docInfo.lpszDocName = "Text";
                StartDoc(hdc, &docInfo); 
                TCHAR* text = _T("Hello world");
                TextOut(hdc, 200, 200, text, strlen(text));
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args)
            Args ar;
            printDialog.create(this,_T(""), ar);
            //Register print callback to popup the printDialog.
            addCallback(XmNmenuCallback, ID_PRINT, this,
                (Callback)&MainView::print, null);

    5.7 PageSetupDialog

    (1) Explanation

    Class PageSetupDialog represents a common page-setup dialog of Windows.
  • To popup this dialog as a modal dialog, call popup method of this class.

  • Name Description

    (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\ScrolledText.h>
    #include <sol\PageSetupDialog.h>
    #include "resource.h"
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        ScrolledText    text;
        PageSetupDialog pageSetup;
        //Menu callback to popup the pageSetup.
        void    setup(Action& action) {
            if(action.getResult()) {
                MessageBox(NULL, _T("PageSetup OK"), _T("Sample"), MB_OK);
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) 
            :ApplicationView(applet, name, args)
            Args ar;
            ar.set(XmNexStyle, (ulong)WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES);
            text.create(this, _T(""), ar);
            pageSetup.create(this, _T(""), ar);
            //Register setup callback to popup the pageSetup.
            addCallback(XmNmenuCallback, ID_OPTION_SETUP, this, 
                    (Callback)&MainView::setup, null);

    6 GDI Object

    (1) Class hierachy


    6.1 StockObject

    (1) Explanation

    Class StockObject represents a stock-object of Windows. To use StockObject class, follow the below steps:
    Step1: Create an instance of a subclass(PaintDC or ClientDC) of DC.
    Step2: Create an instance of StockObject.
    Step3: Call select method of DC class to select the StockObject instance for the DC instance.
    Step4: Call a drawing method of the DC instance.
    Step5: Deselect the StockObject instance from the DC instance.

    (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\PaintDC.h>
    #include <sol\StockObject.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        // Eventhandler to handle WM_PAINT event.
        long    paint(Event& event)
            //Create an instance of PaintDC.
            PaintDC pdc(this);
            RECT    r;
            int w = r.right-r.left;
            int h = r.bottom-r.top;
            //Create a hollow brush.
            StockObject pen(HOLLOW_BRUSH);      
            //Select the pen for PaintDC.
            HGDIOBJ prev = pdc.select(&pen);
            //Draw a rectangle.
            pdc.rectangle(10, 10, w-20, h-20);
            //Deselect the pen from PaintDC.
            return 0L;
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* label, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, label, args)
            // Register paint method of this class for the WM_PAINT event.
            addEventHandler(WM_PAINT, this, (Handler)&MainView::paint, null);

    6.2 Pen

    (1) Explanation

    Class Pen represents a pen object of Windows. To use Pen class, follow the below steps:
    Step1: Create an instance of a subclass(PaintDC or ClientDC) of DC.
    Step2: Create an instance of Pen.
    Step3: Call select method of DC class to select the pen instance for the DC instance.
    Step4: Call a drawing method of the DC instance.
    Step5: Deselect the Pen instance from the DC instance.

    (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\PaintDC.h>
    #include <sol\Pen.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        // Eventhandler to handle WM_PAINT event.
        long    paint(Event& event)
            //Create an instance of PaintDC.
            PaintDC pdc(this);
            RECT    r;
            int w = r.bottom/255+1;
            for(int i = 0; i < 255; i++) {
                Pen pen(PS_INSIDEFRAME, w+2, RGB(255, 255, 255-i) );
                //Select the pen for PaintDC.
                HGDIOBJ prev = pdc.select(&pen);
                //Draw a line.
                pdc.moveTo(0, w*i, null);
                pdc.lineTo(r.right, w*i);
                //Select the previous pen to deselect the pen instance.
            return 0L;
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* label, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, label, args)
            // Register paint method of this class for the WM_PAINT event.
            addEventHandler(WM_PAINT, this, (Handler)&MainView::paint, null);

    6.3 Brush

    (1) Explanation

    Class Brush represents a brush object of Windows. To use Pen class, follow the below steps:
    Step1: Create an instance of a subclass(PaintDC or ClientDC) of DC.
    Step2: Create an instance of Brush.
    Step3: Call select method of DC class to select the Brush instance for the DC instance.
    Step4: Call a drawing method of the DC instance.
    Step5: Deselect the Brush instance from the DC instance.

    (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\StockObject.h>
    #include <sol\PaintDC.h>
    #include <sol\Brush.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        // Eventhandler to handle WM_PAINT event.
        long    paint(Event& event)
            //Create an instance of PaintDC.
            PaintDC pdc(this);
            RECT    r;
            int w = r.bottom/255+1;
            StockObject pen(NULL_PEN);
            for(int i = 0; i < 255; i++) {
                Brush* brush = new Brush(RGB(0, 0, 255-i) );
                //Select the pen for PaintDC.
                HGDIOBJ prev = pdc.select(brush);
                pdc.rectangle(100+i, 100, 200+i, 200);
                //Select the previous brush to deselect the pen instance.
                delete brush;
            return 0L;
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* label, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, label, args)
            // Register paint method of this class for the WM_PAINT event.
            addEventHandler(WM_PAINT, this, (Handler)&MainView::paint, null);

    6.4 Font

    (1) Explanation

    Class Font represents a font object of Windows. To use Font class, follow the below steps:
    Step1: Create an instance of Args.
    Step2: Set parameters for Font to the Args instance.
    Step3: Call a constructor to create an instance of Font or call create method.
    Step4: Call setFont method of class View, if you change the font of a View instance.

    (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\ScrolledText.h>
    #include <sol\Font.h>
    namespace SOL {
    class MainView :public ApplicationView {
        ScrolledText text;
        Font*        font;
        Font     defaultFont;
        MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* label, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, label, args)
            Args ar;
            text.create(this, _T(""), ar);
            ar.set(XmNheight, (-30));
            ar.set(XmNfaceName,  _T("Symbol"));
            ar.set(XmNweight,  FW_BOLD);
            //Create an instance of Font.
            font = new Font(ar);
            defaultFont.create(ar); //Call a create method
            //Add this text to the defaultLayoutManager.
            delete font;

    7 Thread and Process

    (1) Class hierachy


    7.1 Thread

    (1) Explanation

    Class Thread represents a thread in Windows. In order to use Thread class of SOL9, you have to follow the next steps.

  • Step1: Define a subclass of Thread class, and implement run method in the subclass.
  • Step2: Create an instance of the subclass by calling a constructor.
  • Step3: Call start method of Thread class to start the thread.
  • Step4: Call wait method to wait the termination of the thread.

    Please note that a thread instance created by a constructor of subclass of Thread is in suspended state. Do not forget to call start method to start it.

    (2) Example

    #include <sol\Application.h>
    #include <sol\Thread.h>
    #include <sol\Stdio.h>
    namespace SOL {
    //1 Define a subclass of Thread.
    class StopWatch :public Thread {
        int     seconds;
        StopWatch(int interval) {
            seconds = interval;
        //2 Define a run method.
        void run() {
        int n = 0;
        while (n < seconds) {
            // Do something here.
            Printf(_T("StopWatch %d\r\n", n++);
    void Main(int argc, TCHAR** argv)
        const TCHAR* appClass = _T("StopWatch");
        Application applet(appClass, argc, argv);
        //3 Create an instance of your subclass of Thread.
        StopWatch stopWatch(10);  
        MessageBox(NULL, _T("Thread starts"), _T("StopWatch"), MB_OK);
        //4 Call a start method of Thread class.
        //5 Call a wait method of Thread class.
        MessageBox(NULL, _T("Thread terminated"), _T("StopWatch"), MB_OK);

    7.2 Pipe

    (1) Explanation

    Class Pipe represents a pipe in Windows. This class has three constructors:
      Pipe(int buffsize = 1024);
      Pipe(Pipe& pipe);
      Pipe(Pipe* pipe);
    The first constructor creates a pipe instance by calling CreatePipe API of Windows. The second and third constructor are used to duplicate a pipe.

    (2) Example

    See an example program of Process class.

    7.3 Process

    (1) Explanation

    Process class represents a process in Windows. This class has three constructors:
      Process(const TCHAR* command, DWORD flag = DETACHED_PROCESS);
      Process(const TCHAR* command, Pipe& pipe, DWORD flag = DETACHED_PROCESS);
      Process(const TCHAR* command, Pipe* pipe, DWORD flag = DETACHED_PROCESS);

    One of the simplest usage of Process class is to use the first constructor in the following way. Note that you can wait infinitely a termination of a process by calling wait method of Process class.
    void    Main(int argc, TCHAR** argv)
        const TCHAR* command = _T("notepad.exe");
        // Create an instance of Process class for notepad.exe program.
        Process process(command);
        // Wait a termination of the above process.
    If you want to redirect standard io of the process, you have to use the second or third constructor by specifying an instance of Pipe class. See the below example.

    (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\Process.h>
    #include <sol\Thread.h>
    #include <sol\Pipe.h>
    #include <sol\Stdio.h>
    namespace SOL {
    // Reader thread in parent process to read an output from a child process.  
    class PipeReader :public Thread {
        HANDLE hReader;
        Pipe*   pipe;
        PipeReader(Pipe* p) :pipe(p) { }
        void run();
    void PipeReader::run() 
        char buffer[256];
        while (True) {
            unsigned long len = 0;
            len = pipe -> read(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1);
            if (len>0) {
                buffer[len] = Zero;
    	    String string = buffer;
                Printf(_T("%s"), (const TCHAR*)string);
            } else {
    // Sample ChildProcess class to launch a child process.
    class ChildProcess :public Object {
        Process* child;
        Pipe*   pipe;
        Pipe*   dupPipe;
        PipeReader* reader;
        // Constructor
        ChildProcess(const TCHAR* command) {
            // 1 Create an inheritable pipe.
            pipe = new Pipe();
            // 2 Duplicate a noninheritable pipe of the above pipe.
            dupPipe =new Pipe(pipe);
            // 3 Create an instance of Process, using a pipe to communicate
            // this parent and child process.
            child = new Process(command, pipe);
            // 4 Close the pipe.
            pipe ->close();
            // 5 Create an instance of PipeReader thread to read an output of
            // the child process from the duplicated pipe of this process.
            reader = new PipeReader(dupPipe);
            // 6 Start the pipeReader thread.
            reader -> start();
            // 7 Wait a completion of the child process.
            child -> wait();
        ~ChildProcess() {
            delete child;
            delete pipe;
            delete dupPipe;
            delete reader;
    void    Main(int argc, TCHAR** argv)
        Printf(_T("Main() >>\r\n"));
        const TCHAR* command = _T("cgi.exe");
        //Create an instance of Process class.
        ChildProcess* child = new ChildProcess(command);
        delete child;
        Printf(_T("<< Main() \r\n\r\n"));

    8 Socket

    (1) Class hierachy

    Class InetAddress represents an Internet address with a host name and port number. Class SocketSelector is a utility class to detect an input/output of a non-blocking socket. Class Socket and SocketStream represents a socket in Windows.

    8.1 Client

    (1) Explanation

    Class Socket represents a socket. To use Socket or SocketStream of SOL9 from a client side, you have to follow the next steps.
  • Step1: Create an instance of Socket or SocketStream.
  • Step2: Create an instance of InetAddress by specifying a host name and a port number of a server.
  • Step3: Call a connect method of Socket to connect to the server.
  • Step4: Send a data to the server by calling sendAll or printf method.
  • Step5: Receive a data from the server by calling recv or readLine mehod.
  • Step6: Close the socket after usage by calling close method.

    (2) Example

    #include <sol\Application.h>
    #include <sol\ScrolledRichText.h>
    #include <sol\SocketStream.h>
    #include <sol\Thread.h>
    #include <sol\Stdio.h>
    #include <sol\StringT.h>
    namespace SOL {
    // Simple HttpClient program.
    class HttpThread :public Thread {
        ScrolledRichText& richText;
        StringT<char>      host;
        // Constructor
        HttpThread(ScrolledRichText& text, const char* ahost)
            host(ahost) { }
        // Thread procedure
        void run() {
            //1 Create an instance of SocketStream. 
            SocketStream socket(AF_INET, 0);
            //2 Create an instance of InetAddress by specifying host name
            //and port number.
            InetAddress address((const char*)host,  80);
            //3 Call a connect method of Socket to connect to the host.
            //4 Send a request data to the host.
            socket.printf("GET /index.html HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n");
            //5 Receive a response data from the host.
            int size = 0;
            char buffer[1024];
            while ( (size = socket.recv(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, 0)) >0) {
                buffer[size]= Zero;
                // Append the received data to a ScrolledRichText instance.
            // 6 Close the socket.
    //HttpClinet class 
    class HttpClient :public ApplicationView {
        ScrolledRichText  richText;
        HttpThread*       thread;
         HttpClient(Application& applet, const TCHAR* caption, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, caption, args) {
            Args ar;
            richText.create(this, _T(""), ar);
            //Create an instance of HttpThread and start it.
            thread = new HttpThread(richText, "localhost");	//11/13 char
        ~HttpClient() {
            delete thread;
    // Sample main
    void Main(int argc, TCHAR** argv)
        static const TCHAR* appClass = _T("HttpClient"));
        Application applet(appClass, argc, argv);
        Args args;
        args.set(XmNclassName, appClass);
        HttpClient client(applet, appClass, args);

    8.2 Server

    (1) Explanation

    To use Socket or SocketStream of SOL9 on a server side, you have to create a listener thread to wait and accept a connection-request from a clinet, and a request-handler thread to exchange real data between the client and the request-handler. In general, you have to follow the next steps.
  • Step1: Create an instance of a listner thread.
  • Step2: Create an instance of Socket or SocketStream in the listener thread.
  • Step3: Create an instance of InetAddress by specifying a host name and a port number to bind in the listener thread.
  • Step4: Call bind method of Socket to bind to the address in the listener thread.
  • Step5: Call listen method of Socekt to listen to a client in the listener thread.
  • Step6: Call accept method to accept a connection-request from a client in the listener thread.
  • Step7: Create an instance of a request-handler thread using a Socket instance returned from accept method in the listener thread.
  • Step8: Start the request-handler thread to exchange real data between the client and the request-handler.

     Client          ListenerThread       RequestHandlerThread
      |                  | bind
      |                  | listen                     
      |      connect     | accept 
      |     -------->    |                     
      |                  | new RequestHandlerThread  |
      |                  |                           |
      |           send /recv                         |
      |     <--------------------------------------> |

    (2) Example

    #include <sol\ApplicationView.h>
    #include <sol\Thread.h>
    #include <sol\SocketStream.h>
    #include <sol\StringTokenizer.h>
    #include <sol\SocketSelector.h>
    #include <sol\Date.h>
    namespace SOL {
    // Communication thread to exchange a request and
    // a response between an http client and this http server.
    class HttpCommunicator :public Thread {
        SocketStream* socket;
        HttpCommunicator(SocketStream* sock)
            socket = sock;
        void run() 
            StringBufferT<char> buffer;
            // Read a request line.
            // Read the rest lines, and discard them.
            while (1) {
                StringBufferT tmp;
                int rc = socket->readLine(tmp);
                if (rc <=2) {
                    // Found a new line of "\r\n".
            // For simplicity, ignore a request line here.
            // Send a response data.
            //// Close the socket, and delete it.
            socket -> close();
            delete socket;
            delete this;
        void  sendResponse()
            Date date(Date::GMT);
            StringT<char> string ="<html>\r\n";
            string = string + "<h1>Sample HTTP Server</h1>\r\n";
            string = string + "<h2>\r\n";
            string = string + date.getDate();
            string = string + "</h2>\r\n";
            string = string + "</html>\r\n";	
            int length = string.getLength();
            socket -> printf("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n");
            socket -> printf("Content-Length %d\r\n", length);
            socket -> printf("\r\n");
            socket -> printf("%s", (const char*)string);
    // Listener thread to accept a connection-request from an http client
    // and create a HttpCommunicator thread.
    class HttpListener :public Thread {
        SocketStream listener;
        Boolean      looping;
            listener.create(AF_INET, 0);
            InetAddress addr(80, INADDR_ANY);
            looping = True;
        // Thread procedure. 
        void  run() 
            SocketSelector selector;
            selector.setTimeout(0, 100);
            while (looping) {   
                if (looping == False) {
                if (selector.select() != SOCKET_ERROR) {           
                    if (selector.isReadable(&listener)) {
                        InetAddress addr;
                        // Got a connection request from a HTTP client.
                        SocketStream* socket = listener.accept(addr);
                        // Create a HttpCommunicator thread and start it.
                        HttpCommunicator* communicator = new HttpCommunicator(socket);
                        communicator -> start();
    // HttpServer application
    class HttpServer :public ApplicationView {
    	HttpListener listener;
        HttpServer(Application& applet, const TCHAR* caption, Args& args)
            :ApplicationView(applet, caption, args)
    // Sample main
    void Main(int argc, TCHAR** argv)
        const TCHAR* appClass = _T("HttpServer");
        Application applet(appClass, argc, argv);
        Args args;
        args.set(XmNwidth, 300);
        args.set(XmNheight, 80);
        HttpServer server(applet, appClass, args);

    Last modified: 14 Nov 2009

     Last modified: 5 May 2016

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